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Air flotation (air suspension)

Air suspension handling products started late in China. At present, they still belong to the category of new, strange and special products.

Development history of air suspension handling: the concept of air suspension handling was put forward by Western scientists in the 19th century. Due to the limitations of materials and manufacturing technology at that time, no corresponding products were introduced. By the 1960s, European and American enterprises combined new materials and manufacturing processes on the basis of previous theories to produce the first generation of air flotation handling products. Up to now, after nearly 60 years of sedimentation, air suspension handling technology has become mature in European and American countries. At present, the relevant products used in China are produced by a few European and American enterprises. Fengyang enterprise team has been grinding a sword for ten years. Through continuous progress, it has developed a series of air suspension products with independent property rights from the bottom technology of basic materials and structural design. At present, we have successfully developed disks with a diameter of 1.2m and below. The common disk specifications (diameter / load) include 300mm / 2T, 380mm / 4T, 450mm / 5t, 540mm / 8T, 750mm / 15t, 914mm / 20t, 1020mm / 28t, 1150mm / 36t, 1220mm / 40t and derived a wealth of Air Cushion Modular Systems, Air flotation platform vehicle, air flotation gantry crane, air flotation stage and air flotation production line, The performance of Fengyang's products reaches or even exceeds that of foreign counterparts, so that Chinese people can afford, use well and save money on air suspension products, accelerate the upgrading of national industrial equipment and improve the market competitiveness of national industrial products.

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