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Air floating platform vehicle

Fengyang Air Floating Platform Truck/Air Cushion Truck is an air suspension heavy-duty handling tool, which adopts the air suspension key technology integrated key disc production process developed by our company. Product performance: more powerful, greater load-bearing, longer life, less air consumption, smarter and more convenient to use, higher cost-effective, better service, more fashionable and beautiful product appearance

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The air-floating gantry crane is a non-standardized product,Customized load: generally 2 tons and above;Use air pressure: 0.6-0.8Mpa;Product size: According to the customer's load-bearing requirements and objective conditions

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Air Caster Skids

The core component of air flotation handling is the strongest replacement for imported parts. It is the best choice to replace the core components of the original factory and the use of domestically modified air flotation equipment. It is high-efficiency, high-loading, and durable.

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Portable air floating handling disc<br/>Airbag diameter: 400/540/686/914/1220<br/>Full load maximum air pressure: 0.45Mpa<br/>Single disc maximum load: 4T/8T/12T/20T/40T

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